If you are interested in a highly effective, yet very simple way, of brightening the appearance of your teeth
without removing any of the tooth surface, then we can whiten the teeth using a special whitening agent designed specifically for teeth, using custom made trays which are usually worn overnight.
The appearance usually improves over 2-6 weeks, depending on the severity of the discolouration. People with yellowish teeth tend to respond to whitening faster than those with greyish teeth.
There are a number of reasons why your teeth have become discoloured:
- Age
- Smoking
- Trauma or loss of vitality
- Eating and drinking habits
- Genetic predisposition
Tooth whitening will only work on natural teeth, not crowns, or teeth that have been veneered or filled. However, providing your teeth are natural, there is no reason why you can’t benefit from teeth whitening treatment. Fillings that don’t change colour can be changed after whitening.
As long as your teeth and gums are free from disease, the treatment itself is very safe and will not damage your teeth, though it’s important to be aware that the treatment may cause some sensitivity immediately afterwards.
Teeth that have gone darker following root canal treatment or loss of vitality can be treated individually.